Introduction to, and 1: 1-9 of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Corinth.
5 principles to keep in mind as we run the race in our pursuit of Christlikeness.
No matter what trial or difficulty believers face in life, our God is faithful to keep us from being overwhelmed and defeated.
Paul concludes the letter to Titus by reminding his readers what it means to be a good citizen, and how to deal with problem people in the church.
The call of young Samuel who was Israel's last judge and also a prophet and priest. He was recognized by the entire nation as the LORD's choice to lead the…
Paul continues addressing the expected character traits of various segments of the church, including a charge to Titus.
The evil sons of Eli compared to righteous Samuel. Eli was a failure as a father, why?
Paul continues to list the responsibilities of the older women in teaching the younger women in the church, Are these still relevant for us today?