After listing the blessings and curses promised Israel, Moses reaches beyond their future failures to a time of redemption and restoration.
Moses lays out the promised future results of Israel violating the covenant they made with the Lord.
Moses concludes his prophecy concerning Israel's impending doom if they reject the Lord and disobey Him when they enter the Promised land.
Moses continues listing the curses that would fall upon Israel if they disobeyed the Lord.
Moses continues to list the curses that would fall upon Israel if they failed to obey the Lord's commands when they entered the Promised land.
Moses lists the blessings and curses promised to Israel when they enter the Promised land.
Israel agreed to obey the Lord's commands when they would enter the promised land.
Moses explains the requirements concerning fulfilling religious vows and the penalties for kidnapping.
Moses continues giving various laws to help guide the people in the Promised land.
When Israel entered the Promised land, they were to maintain distinctions in the areas of dress and farming. These both stress the importance of separation in their lives. We also…