Isaiah finishes the first section of his book with wonderful promises concerning the coming Messiah King and the millennial kingdom He will establish.
The miraculous deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrian army. The future blessings promised to a special category of people made special by God Himself.
The final woe in this section of Isaiah is aimed at Assyria and its wicked king Sennacherib.
Chapter 30 begins with another woe pointed specifically at Jerusalem. Stop trusting alliances with other nations and start trusting God. The chapter contains many promises if they would repent and…
Chapters 28-31 form a section that deals mainly with the judgment of Jerusalem. 5 woes are contained in this section. The 2nd and third woes are in this chapter. Intermingled…
3 announcements are recorded by Isaiah in chapters 24-27. We will just look at chapter 26 tonight. The LORD will restore Israel.
God will preserve and protect His people during the Day of the Lord judgment(those saved during the tribulation period).
The judgments of the 11 nations in the previous chapters were a precursor to the judgment of the whole world in the Day of the Lord.
We have seen the people's unfaithfulness in Judah; now let's examine the leader's unfaithfulness. In chapter 23, Phonecia is facing God's judgment. Lastly, we will look at some things that…
Those in Jerusalem where celebrating when they should have been mourning and repenting. The judgment of God was soon to be poured out upon Judah and Jerusalem.
Isaiah 20 is basically a footnote to the prophecy against Egypt in chapter 19. Chapter 21 contains the predicted judgment against Edom the descendants of Esau.