The Apostle Paul challenges the believers in the church of Colossae to stand up to the false teachers by continuing to progress spiritually.
The Apostle Paul refutes the false teachers who were denying the Deity of Christ and His preeminence. In what ways is Christ preeminent?
Paul made three basic requests of the LORD in his prayer for the believers at Colossae.
Paul begins his prayer for the Colossian believers by asking God to give them insight as they stood against the false teachers in the church.
The faithfulness of the believers at Colossae was seen in their faith, love and hope.
We all put our confidence and security in something or someone. As Children of God, our security should be in Christ. What will the things we leave behind say to…
Bible Text: Colossians 3:12-17 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | 4 Motives to put off the old deeds and put on the qualities of the new life.