God assures Israel of His continued love for them inspite of their disobedience. He has made promises that He intends to keep!
Israel was far from perfect, but because the LORD had chosen and loved them, He continually forgave them and promised to restore the nation.
Isaiah looks beyond his present day and the coming Babylonian captivity to the time when God will restore Israel in Messiah's kingdom.
Christmas has become much more about indulgence than worship. What has happened to Christmas over the centuries?
God was in control before human history, is in control during human history and will be in control after human history.
Isaiah reminds Judah that God would deliver them from the Babylonian captivity and would give the strength for the long journey.
Isaiah looks beyond the future Babylonian captivity and encourages the Jewish remnant concerning their post captivity future.
Hezekiah, the godly king of Judah, followed the instructions of the Lord through His prophet Isaiah and saw a miraculous victory for Jerusalem.
Conclusion of 3 Assyrian representatives confronting 3 representatives of Judah.