Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. ~ Psalm 100:1-3

Isaiah 14: 1-15

March 17, 2021
Isaiah continues his pronouncement of God's judgment that will fall on Babylon both in the near future and also at the end of the tribulation period. Lucifer's original fall is…

Isaiah 13: 1-22

March 3, 2021
A new section begins in chapter 13. Isaiah now proclaims God's coming judgment against proud and arrogant Babylon both in the near future and at the end of the tribulation…

Isaiah 10: 5-34

February 17, 2021
Isaiah sees in a vision the path of the Assyrian army as it heads to Jerusalem, but God intervenes and the army is turned back at Jerusalem's wall. Isaiah predicts…

Isaiah 9: 1-21; 10: 1-4

February 10, 2021
Isaiah describes the coming judgment to be inflicted upon Israel by the Assyrian army. This was a clear warning to Judah. The prophet also spoke of the coming Messiah and…

Isaiah 8: 1-22

February 3, 2021
Isaiah continues his warnings concerning Judah making alliances with Assyria and other foreign governments rather than trusting God.

Isaiah 7:1-25

January 27, 2021
Isaiah chapters 7-12 shifts from Judah's spiritual needs to their political situation and to their leaders who didn't trust the LORD.

Isaiah 6: 1-13

January 20, 2021
Isaiah 6 is the account of Isaiah's call. He is overwhelmed with the vision of the LORD'S holiness and overcome by his own sinfulness.

Isaiah 5: 1-30

January 13, 2021
In Isaiah's day evil was called good and good evil. We are seeing the same thing happening in America today. Let's examine some of the similarities between Judah and America…

Isaiah 3:1-26

December 30, 2020
Isaiah continued to expose the sins of Jerusalem and Judah. The parallels between Judah's sins and present day America are astounding.