We need to be saved because of who we are and because of who God is.
Conclusion of 7 spiritual problems of wokeness.
In these troublous times, it's good to remember the many blessings we enjoy because we are in Christ Jesus!
Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Paul shows his love and appreciation for his friends and fellow laborers as he closes out his epistle.
Bible Text: Romans 15:21-33 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | We see Paul's heart for missions in this passage.
Bible Text: Romans 15:8-21 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Paul turns to vital issues. Truth must be held in love, but held at all costs.
Bible Text: Romans 15:1-7 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Great to treat a brother in the spirit of charity, much better to treat him in the spirit…
Bible Text: Romans 14:13-23 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Paul continues the weaker brother argument.
Bible Text: Romans 14: 1-12 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | The weak and the strong in faith. How do we maintain unity?
Bible Text: Romans 13:8-14 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Our responsibilities to citizens of our land, and our responsibilities in view of Christ's second coming.
Bible Text: Romans 12: 16-21; 13: 1-7 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Paul concludes chapter 12 instructing the believer on how to treat an unbeliever. He begins…
Bible Text: Romans 12: 3-16 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Paul deals with having a right attitude before looking at some spiritual gifts.
Bible Text: Romans 12:1-2 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Romans 12 speaks of consecration and dedication.
Bible Text: Romans 11 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Romans | Israel's rejection by God is neither final or complete.