Bible Text: Acts 3:12-20 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | A continuation of the healing of the man lame from birth.
Bible Text: Acts 2: 37-47; Acts 3: 1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | The results of Peter's sermon at Pentecost and the dedication of the new converts.…
Bible Text: Acts 2: 14-36 | Preacher: PastorDennis | Series: Acts | Peter's sermon at Pentecost.
Bible Text: Acts 1: 9-26 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | Was Matthias the right choice to replace Judas?
Bible Text: Acts 1: 4-9 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | Christ teaches about the Kingdom and spreading the Gospel before His ascension.
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-3 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | The beginning of a study of the Acts of the Apostles written by Luke in A.D. 62.
Bible Text: Acts 2, various passages | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: The Church We must remember that Jesus is the LORD of the Church. We can become so busy…