The muscles of the church are teaching and preaching, evangelism and fellowship.
We continue looking at the spiritual essentials of the church. We must be faithful and filled with hope.
Another lesson in the series on the essential elements that make someone a healthy member of a church. Three are mentioned in this lesson.
We must be self disciplined to be successful in the Christian life and to be an effective church.
Something that is often missing in our lives and churches is a thankful heart. A complainer and a grumbler is not a thankful person.
The conclusion of the importance of love being the motivating factor in the exercise of spiritual gifts. Are the sign gifts still active today?
A continuation of the necessity of love being the motivating factor in the exercise of spiritual gifts.
The continuation of the Biblical description of love in 1 Corinthians 13.
One the the spiritual essentials of the church is love. Without it our service is meaningless.
Just as the human body must have a skeleton so does the Church need essential skeletal structure to be healthy and productive.
We must remember that Jesus is the LORD of the Church. We can become so busy doing church that we leave Him out of our programs and plans!
There are vital signs to check in our bodies to determine signs of life and health, so it is with the church. How can we know if our church is…