Being thankful seems to be a lost art. Paul reminds us to always be thankful. He expounds on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Is there a difference between joy and happiness? We will look at how the Christian's attitude toward our Lord should be expressed in joyfulness, prayer and thanksgiving. We will examine…
How should the watchfulness and soberness concerning Christ's return affect our daily lives?
Paul warns of the coming Day of the Lord. What should this mean to believers?
The next event on God's prophetic calendar is the rapture of the Church.
The next event on God's prophetic calendar is the rapture or the Church. With that in mind, how should believers be living in these last days?
Sanctification is a critical part of a Christian's life. It should be a real and practical part of our lives as the Apostle Paul outlines in this passage.
Paul had been forced out of Thessalonica and was deeply sorrowful and very concerned about the state of the young church. He sent Timothy there to get a status report…
We will continue to look at Paul's approach to the gospel examining how he preached with faith.
Notice Paul's approach to the Gospel in this passage. We will look at the first 4 in this message.