The introduction to the Gospel of Luke. The events surrounding the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist.
There are times when the only option is to confront an offender.
The Bible has several examples of unconditional forgiveness.
What is unconditional forgiveness? When do we confront an offender?
Is it always required that the offender repent before being forgiven by the offended?
There are times when forgiving someone for a serious offense may seem impossible. How do we handle those situations?
The word forgiveness is not found in Philemon, yet it is the theme of the book. We will begin examining horizontal or person to person forgiveness.
Did the Father answer Jesus' prayer on the cross, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do?"
There are different types of offensives that require different approaches in the realm of forgiveness. Our greatest example is our Lord Jesus Christ.
We will look at 3 key words relating to forgiveness by God: Substitution, Imputation, and Justification.
A continuation of the importance of understanding the ground and basis of forgiveness.
This study of forgiveness will deal with many aspects the subject, We will begin by looking at the ground or basis for all forgiveness.