Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. ~ Psalm 100:1-3

Acts 18: 1-21

July 12, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 18: 1-21 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | The conclusion of Paul's second missionary journey fins Paul in Corinth.

Acts 17: 19-34

July 5, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 17: 19-34 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | Paul presented Christ at Mar's Hill in Athens. There is much for us to learn about witnessing…

Acts 15

May 24, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 15 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | The Judaizers wanted the newly converted Gentiles to follow Moses' Law in addition to receiving Christ. A meeting…

Acts 14: 8-28

May 17, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 14:8-28 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | Paul's first missionary journey comes to a close. Persecution increased throughout the journey.

Acts 12: 1-25

April 5, 2020
Bible Text: Acts 12: 1-25 | Preacher: Pastor Dennis | Series: Acts | Persecution of the church spreads to Antioch. Herod puts James, John's brother to death. He then imprisons…