These two men were very different, but both had the same spiritual needs.
In this parable are found 3 types of people that are still the same today.
Do we serve God out of love or only because of promised rewards?
The great supper speaks of the love of God demonstrated in the preparation of His gift of salvation.
We are reminded that we are responsible for what God has entrusted to us, and we will give an account to Him for how we used our time,talent and treasure.
We are reminded in this parable to be ready for Christ's imminent return.
A Samaritan man put off prejudice and helped a Jewish man who had been beaten, robbed, and left for dead.
The woman was filled with guilt and knew she was a sinner. Simon was just as much a sinner, but had no sense of guilt.
This parable shows the stark contrast between the Pharisee's self righteousness and true righteousness in Christ.
The 7th of the Kingdom parables in Matthew 13. It teaches that there will be a final separation of the lost and saved.
These two parables teach the value of the kingdom of God
This parable continues the theme of the permeating effect of the Kingdom. It began small, but its influence is far reaching.
The parable teaches us that the mystery kingdom that began small will continue to grow until the LORD comes back and sets up His millennial kingdom.