No matter what trial or difficulty believers face in life, our God is faithful to keep us from being overwhelmed and defeated.
David cried out to God for help and deliverance. he acknowledged his total dependance upon the Lord.
David brought the ark back to Jerusalem and longed to please and worship God. he desired a deeper fellowship with God. Shouldn't we?
The earth is God's creation and so it belongs to Him. This includes everything in it. We also were created by God and He desires our praise and worship. Since…
David struggled with his sinfulness and the shortness of life. He longed for a close fellowship with God in his remaining days on earth.
Psalm 51 was written first, In it is recorded David's confession of his sin against God with Bathsheba and later making sure her husband Uriah was killed in battle in…
We face many obstacles in this life. Our Lord is on His throne in Heaven watching over His children.
David talks about his prayer life and who is righteous in God's sight.
David wrote this Psalm when he was hiding from King Saul in the cave at Adullam. We can learn a lot from David in this Psalm about what to do…