Moses instructs the people about the Feast of Tabernacles, the 3rd feast that males over 20 will be required to attend each year when they enter the Promised land.
Instructions are given for the observance of the 3 main feasts when Israel enters the promised land. The first 2 are looked at here.
Moses continues to remind Israel what God expects of them when they enter the Promised land.
Moses reminds the people of their responsibilities to the Lord in giving their tithes in the Promised land.
Moses lists dietary restrictions again in this passage. Some possible reasons why.
Israel was about to enter the Promised land, so Moses warns them about avoiding occult practices when entering.
Moses lists the last 2 traps Satan may use to cause the Israelites to practice idolatry.
Moses talks about the 2nd of 4 traps that Satan may use to cause the Israelites to practice idolatry.
The priviledge of Israel being God's chosen nation brought with it many responsibilities. They were to give certain tithes and offerings when they lived in the land. Moses then warned…
Long before science figured it out, God revealed that life is in the blood.
Moses instructs the people of Israel to completely rid the Promised land of its idols when they enter.
Moses reminds Israel that they can choose obedience and be blessed or disobedience and be chastened by God.